What Do Women Really Want On Valentine’s Day?

Isn’t that one of the eternal questions? Whoever knows the answer can become very wealthy. So many men feel that they just don’t understand women in general. And when it comes to Valentine’s Day, their confusion is even greater.

Women and Valentines Day

Does that describe you? Do you look at the approach of Valentine’s Day with trepidation? Do you wonder exactly how you can make your loved one swoon on this special day? Worrying about this can take away all the joy that the day is meant to bring forth.

Feeling this way can be very stressful for you. The more stressful it is for you to plan Valentine’s Day, the more likely you are to end up doing or buying the wrong thing. You could end up doing way too much. Or perhaps you just throw your hands in the air and give up, hoping that your smile will be enough to satisfy her.

You may not believe it, but there is a point of happy balance where you can please your partner without her being either disappointed or overwhelmed. But first, you need to understand women just a little bit, especially how they think about Valentine’s Day.

Point of Balance

The following ideas are not meant to be sexist. In fact, they could be reversed and be just as true. So keep in mind that this is written for men, but the advice could just as easily be for women.

She Says It’s No Big Deal

Does she really mean it when she says she doesn’t want anything, and not to give Valentine’s Day a second thought?

First of all, it’s important to realize that when a woman says there’s no need to do anything special for Valentine’s Day, she pretty certainly doesn’t really mean that. You might be in a relationship with a woman who actually doesn’t expect anything from her boyfriend or husband on Valentine’s Day, but don’t count on it.

In fact, a recent survey of randomly selected women reported that 53% said they would break up with their boyfriend if they didn’t get a gift on Valentine’s Day. That’s pretty extreme, but at the least, it could make for a few unpleasant weeks.

If you’re 100% positive that your mate really doesn’t care about Valentine’s Day, then the best advice is probably to get her a card and a flower anyway – just in case.

Valentine Flowers and A Card

When you look at all the cards available, you’ll probably wonder whether you should go for humorous or romantic. Do you really need to ask that question? Don’t even think about humorous unless you are 110% sure that is what she would prefer.

There are romantic cards that express all kinds of sentiments, from “you’re a great friend” all the way to “you are my one and only always and forever”, so you’re likely to be able to find a card that fits your feelings or your relationship. But don’t wait until the last moment because you may need to go to several places to find one that expresses your feelings appropriately. You may need to spread out your search over several days.

In addition, if you wait until the day before February 14, you could very well find that only the dregs are left. People will have already chosen and bought the best cards, and you might be put in the position of just having to take whatever is still available.

Has She Been Watching Her Weight?

If your lady has been on a diet, should you give her a Valentine’s gift of –

  • Sugar free chocolates?
  • Some kind of exercise equipment?
  • Exercise videos?
  • The latest diet book?

You should have quickly answered NO without even giving a second thought to those ideas. You might think that giving a membership to a gym is a great way to support your loved one. Yes, it is – but not on Valentine’s Day!

Bad Valentine's Day Gift

Make Valentine’s Day a day of romance – a day where neither one of you will think about diets or other things that you ‘should’ do. Your lady will love you more for just being her loving man.

The Thought Really Does Count

It sounds cliché to say that ‘it’s the thought that counts.’ People often say that to their friends when they didn’t get the gift they wanted. “Yeah, Sally, I really didn’t want a vacuum cleaner for Valentine’s Day. But it’s the thought that counts.’

But that’s not how it’s meant here. In this case, the point is to give a gift that shows you really did put some thought into it – that you paid attention to what your loved one said over the months so that you really were able to pick out a gift that touched her heart.

And the gift doesn’t need to be an expensive piece of jewelry. Perhaps you’ll cook her favorite meal for her. Or maybe you’ll treat her to a massage from your gentle hands.

Heart Art

Women just want to feel special – especially on Valentine’s Day. So don’t worry, any gift that shows your love for her is the right gift.

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